Answered by Shaykh Yūsuf Badāt
Is it OK to gather children in the masjid on 31st of October every year, and hold an event where candies are distributed as well as facilitate fun activities? Is there anything questionable from an Islamic perspective since it coincides with Halloween, which is rooted in pagan beliefs that are contrary to Islam? Some people even call the Muslim event Halal-O-ween?
In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate
Jazāk Allāh Khayr/ Thank you for your question.
Depending on how one looks at such an event, there can be positive and negative points. Islamicaly, the matter will rest on the intention and objectives of such an event.
- Children are in an Islamic environment
- The event serves as an affirmative alternative
- Children stay away from trick or treating on Halloween day
- Children may believe that there is a Muslim version of Halloween since the event is held annually on the 31st October
- Imitation with a non-Muslim events
- It may lead the future generations bringing alternatives for Christmas, Easter, Diwali and other non-islamic events
Some of the negatives can be addressed by avoiding a controversial name, choosing alternative dates, having the Muslim children educated about Halloween and points that conflict with the Muslim creed, and abstain from being consistent with such events by leaving it out in some years.
If the intention is ultimately to keep Muslim children away from unislamic values, then the event will be mubāḥ (allowed). If the event leads to misunderstanding of Islamic creed and practice, then it is islamicaly prohibited.
Also to note that it is primarily the imperative of the parents to teach, train, educate and display proper Islamic doctrine and practice in the home, which fortifies them from any unislamic influences.
Sufyān bin ʿAbd-Allāh Al-Thaqafī (may God be pleased with him) said, “O Messenger of God, tell me something about Islam which I do not need to ask anyone after you.” He (peace and blessings upon him) said, “Say I believe in God, and then remain steadfast.” (Saḥīḥ Muslim)
“God’s Messenger (peace and blessings upon him) came to Madīnah while the [locals] had two [fixed] days in which they would have fun. He inquired, “What are these two days [about]?” The locals replied, “We used to have fun on these days in the pre-islamic era.” God’s Messenger (peace and blessings upon him) explained, “God has substituted those two days for you with something better; the day of Aḍḥā and the day of Fiṭr.” (Abū Dāwūd)
“The one who imitates a community will be raised with them.” (Sunan Abū Dāwūd)
“Actions are based on their intentions.” (Saḥīḥ Bukhārī)
And Allāh Knows Best