By Shaykh Sulaiman Moola
Humans by nature are prone to plan long-term and prepare in advance.
The English proverb is well known, “It wasn’t raining when Noah (peace and blessings upon him) built the ark”.
Nowadays, there are so many different retirement policies and packages on the market that the consumer is confused which one to choose.
The Messenger (peace and blessings upon him) on the other hand has taught us a very simple and easy formula to attract the mercy of Alimighty Allāh during the hour of need and crisis.
He (peace and blessings upon him) once said to the young Ibn ‘Abbās (may Allāh be pleased with him),
تعرف إلى الله في الرخاء يعرفك في الشدة
“Turn to Allāh in prosperity and He will respond to you in adversity.” (Musnad Aḥmad)
Yet, in another narration it appears that the Messenger (peace and blessings upon him) had said,
من سره أن يستجيب الله له عند الشدائد والكرب، فليكثر الدعاء في الرخاء
“Whomsoever desires that Allāh, the Almighty, should answer their prayers at the time of difficulties, should engage in excessive supplication during prosperity.” (Tirmidhī)
Ibn Qays has also echoed the same sentiments by saying,
اذكروا الله في الرخاء ، يذكركم في الشدة
“Glorify Allāh in ease and He will remember [and assist] you during moments of difficulty” (Jāmi’ al Ulūm wa al Ḥikam)
The Great Companion Salmān (may Allāh be pleased with him) would say,
إذا كان الرجل دعاء في السراء ، فنزلت به ضراء ، فدعا الله تعالى ، قالت الملائكة صوت معروف فشفعوا له .
“If a person worships Allah in prosperity, after which he is struck by a calamity and then calls out to Allāh for help, the angels say amongst themselves, this is a familiar voice, so intercede to Allāh for his deliverance.” (Jāmi’ al Ulūm wa al Ḥikam)
Ibn Rajab Hanbalī (may Allāh’s mercy be upon him) has cited two examples amongst others to elucidate the above theory.
The first being that of the Prophet Yūnus (peace and blessings upon him) who worshipped Almighty Allāh perpetually. He was then swallowed by the fish, as explained in the Qur’ān. Subsequently when he called out to Allāh from the belly of the fish, the angels proclaimed, “This is surely a familiar voice, but an unknown location.” Almighty Allāh said to the angels, “Do you not know who that is? The angles (curiously) asked, “Who is he?” Allāh replied, “It is my servant Yūnus (peace and blessings upon him)”. The angels further added, “Is it the very same servant Yūnus whose virtuous actions constantly ascend to the heavens?” Almighty Allāh replied in the affirmative. The angels then pleaded to Allāh to rescue him as a result of his worship during prosperity. Allāh then accepted their intercession and granted Yūnus (peace and blessings upon him) deliverance.
Pharaoh on the other hand, disobeyed Almighty Allāh and rebelled against Him. When he was overpowered by drowning, he also called out to Allāh desperately, but to no avail, simply because he was arrogant during prosperous moments and not submissive. Allāh said to him,
آلْآنَ وَقَدْ عَصَيْتَ قَبْلُ وَكُنتَ مِنَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ
“Now (you decide to repent)? while you disobeyed previously and you were amongst the evil doers.” (Qur’ān 10:91)
May the Almighty protect us from the fate of Pharaoh and his likes. May He grant us the ability to worship Him during moments of prosperity and adversity alike. Āmīn