“Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times.” [4:103] [Click image below to enlarge] Category: Jurisprudence, Q&A - PrayerBy Answers AdminSeptember 23, 2018Tags: #prayer #salah #namazShare this postShare with TwitterShare with Google+Share with PinterestShare with FacebookShare with LinkedInPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:Tahajjud (Vigil Prayers) and Methods for WakingNextNext post:Nullifiers of WuḍūRelated PostsUnderwear During Iḥrām Due to Constant LeakageNovember 27, 2024Are Autopsies Permitted in Islam?November 26, 2024Transgenic Organisms and Alteration of DNANovember 23, 2024Clinical Trials for Drugs and MedicationNovember 22, 2024Steps to Successful RepentanceNovember 15, 2024Controlled Atmospheric Stunning (CAS) for Ḥalāl PoultryJune 6, 2024